Varsity Feever

by Varsity Feever



VarsityFeever aims to provide the most important information to any learner wishing to advance their studies, we plan to do a whole lot more than this as we know that every learner has different needs.Applications:We believe that anyone should be able to study at any institution they want, considering they qualify of course 😅 . We would like to guide you on how you can go about applying at the institution of your choice.Institutions and Courses:We have collected and curated courses from the majority of the country’s most popular institutions. Browse through them to get additional information regarding the application requirements.Application Point Score:Sometimes its difficult to remember how to evaluate your marks so you can determine which courses you qualify to study for. Just chill and watch as we leverage your marks and work out your scores for you.We know very well that the calculations may vary per institution, so all we are doing for now is working out the base bare minimum calculation.Personalised Content:Based on the interests you would have selected and your marks, we will show you courses and institutions that are related to those selected interests and marks.** Disclaimer: We will not be applying at these institutions on your behalf, but rather providing you with the needed information on how you can apply **